Apartment Hunter's House |
Free-Time |
20 nicest
wanderings all around Bensheim |
20 nicest
bicycle tours all around Bensheim |
The prince's camp (Fürstenlager) was
built about 1790 by the landgraves and Grand Dukes of
Hessen-Darmstadt in an idyllic side valley of brook Auer. All
buildings like stranger's construction and gentleman's construction,
prince's construction and ladies' construction, guards and draws are
received nearly consistently. In the big park exotic trees and
plants load in order to go for a walk one. |
The rock sea (Felsenmeer) on the rock
mountain in the pure valley above from imperial brook in the front ode
wood is a rock scenery from dark grey Quarzdiorit which originated from
woollen bag decomposition. The rock sea was already used by the Romans
and later by the local stonecutters to the stone production. |
The Auerbacher castle in the mountain
road is a ruined castle which is one of the most imposing and
mightiest castles in the southern Hessen. Besides, for over 300
years a botanical specific feature is rooted by aerial height: A
small pine resists wind and weather and digs her gnarled roots in
the scanty castle wall. One is hardly able to fancy what this tree
everything has "seen". As a cultural monument the Auerbacher castle
stands under conservation of monuments and historic buildings. |
Mountainbiker: |
Both distances run in coarse
trains in parallel from the zeppelin hut above the known „dead man“
up to the former Marmoritgelände in the entrance to the town of
Bensheim-Hochstädten. They are in 1100 or 1300 metres long and lead
130 metres height talwärts. The distances are anew put on to 70%
completely without using available ways. Remaining 30% enclose
essentially the formerly unlawful, original Fuchstrail which is
completely renovated, and, in addition, about 100 metres formerly of
wild distance in the entrance of the Flowtrail with the zeppelin hut.
Air time gets with a variety of high jump buildings the demanding
"red" Freeride-Trail richly, adjoining owners shout after speed,
Step-Ups and the way through of the so-called depression provide for
adrenalin. The "blue" Flowtrail is also for less experienced drivers
a pleasure. He offers steps and smaller jumps or drops which runs
over everybody either, or can become drive. In the lower part
becomes of the Flowtrail the funny Anaconda. For the drive from the
distance end in the Marmorit to the zeppelin hut there are several
alternatives above forest ways. |